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Everything Old is New Again (Again)

Everything Old is New Again (Again)

The Grandmillenial Style BY JON FORTUNA, DESIGNER AT MEREDITH O’DONNELL The style forecasters said it, the influencers said it, now mainstream media is embracing the return of pretty traditional rooms full of color, graceful lines, and a reverence for classic...
Serenity Now

Serenity Now

Thoughts on creating a serene environment BY JON FORTUNA   The 21st century world can be overwhelming, chaotic, and full of stress. From the daily commute, to nonstop social media, texts, and emails, to the inundation of 24 hour news cycles, it seems as if people...
50 Shades

50 Shades

BY MEREDITH O’DONNELL If you ask 50 different designers how to decorate a room you’ll receive 50 different responses and hopefully a few solutions. Modern to traditional, spare to layered, empty or cluttered. Maybe collected, maybe full of art, maybe rich, maybe...
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